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S01E04 4


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

Good Iord, Susan,
you burned your rivaI's house down.
If that isn't desperate,
I don't know what is.

Mrs. Huber, with all due respect,
you're crazy.

- What's that?
- I think you recognize it.

I found it in the ruins of Edie's home.

- Well, that's not...
- Shh. My point is this.

I wasn't there for you when KarI Ieft,
but I am now.

As far as I'm concerned,
this is our secret.

And no one ever need know.

Oh, Susan.

You don't know how good it feeIs
to finally be abIe to heIp you.

You Iook so paIe.

Now, I insist you try some of my pie.

Go on.

Did I mention it's mincemeat?

- Open the door, pIease.
- Hang on.

- What?
- May I come in?

- No.
- I want to taIk to you.

- Then taIk.
- Where were you Iast night?

- Brian's.
- I just spoke to Brian's mother.

Tell me again where you were,
and this time don't Iie to me.

Where did you say Dad
was again? In PhiIadeIphia?

Andrew, don't change the subject.

Sorry, I thought
the subject was telling Iies.

I called Dad's cell phone.
I know he moved out.

Well, it's just temporary and...

...I thought it wouId upset you.

Whatever. You Iied.

So stop pretending like you
have some sort of moraI authority.

Just because I don't share
my probIems with you

doesn't give you the right to be rude.

How about driving my father away.
Do I get to be rude then?

- Hi.
- What's this?

- It's a sock.
- It's a man's sock.

I found it under our bed.
It's not mine.

Oh, for God sakes, CarIos,
it's Yao Lin's.

Our maid wears size 1 3 gym socks?

No, she dusts with them.

See? Socks instead of rags.

- Susan, hello.
- Mrs. Huber.

Did you and Mike come together?
I saw him in the fresh produce aisIe.

No. Like I toId you.
We're just friends.


By the way, if I didn't
make it cIear yesterday,

I absoIuteIy did not do
that thing you accuse me of.

Hey, Susan. Hey, Mrs. Huber.

- Nice to see you, Mike.
- Hey.

You like AIfred Hitchcock? They're
doing a retrospective at the RiaIto.


...I'm not really a fan.

Come on,
how can you not like Hitchcock?

I just, uh, don't.

Oh. OK.

Well, uh, nice to see you.
You too, Mrs. Huber.

You're so silly. Pretending not
to like him on my account.


ruins ['ru:ɪnz] n. 遗迹(ruin的复数形式);废墟 v. 毁灭(ruin的三单形式) {toefl :4197}

sock [sɒk] vt. 重击;给……穿袜 n. 短袜;一击 adv. 正着地;不偏不倚地 adj. 非常成功的 n. (Sock)人名;(德)佐克 {gk cet4 cet6 ky gre :4277}

socks [sɑks] n. 袜子(sock的复数) {zk :4277}

uh [ʌh,ʌ] int. 嗯啊 abbr. 上半部分(upper half) n. (Uh)人名;(挪)乌赫 { :4478}

maid [meɪd] n. 女仆;少女 vt. 侍候;做新娘的女傧相 vi. 当女仆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5166}

rude [ru:d] adj. 粗鲁的;无礼的;狂暴的;未开化的 n. (Rude)人名;(英、西、瑞典)鲁德;(法)吕德 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :5635}

rags [ræɡz] n. 破布;抹布 n. (Rags)人名;(俄)拉格斯 { :5984}

retrospective [ˌretrəˈspektɪv] n. 回顾展 adj. 回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的 {ky toefl :8807}

shh [ʃ] int. 嘘;安静一点 { :11003}

hitchcock [ˈhitʃkɔk] n. 希契科克(姓氏) { :16967}

mincemeat [ˈmɪnsmi:t] n. 苹果等切碎混拌碎肉的东西;甜馅 { :24505}

Abie [ ] n. (Abie)人名;(以)阿比 { :30928}

Huber [ ] [人名] 休伯; [地名] [美国] 休伯 { :37622}

heip ['haɪp] abbr. high-explosive incendiary plug 杀伤燃烧弹头

IAST [ ] [网络] 旅游研究学会;梵语转写;国际梵语转写字母

ieft [ ] [网络] 内电解混凝;互联网工程任务组;现金管理系统

iie ['aɪi:] [医][=idiopathic ineffective erythropoiesis]特发性无效性红细胞生成

Iied [ ] (International Institute for Environment and Development)国际环境发展研究所

iook [ ] [网络] 噪;谔;专注力

kari ['kærɪ] abbr. ketol acid reductoisomerase 酮醇酸还原异构酶

Morai [ ] [地名] [尼日利亚] 莫拉伊

paie [ ] 支付;工资

piease [ ] 相关词: displease

taik [ ] n. 台客; (Taik)人名;(东南亚国家华语)德

toid [ ] [网络] 收件人;偏载检测器;偏载数据

yao [jau] n. 尧(传说中的中国古代父糸氏族社会后期部落联盟领袖)

be rude [ ] [网络] 粗鲁;表现出蛮横的态度

for God sake [ ] adv. 看在上帝的份上 [网络] 为左上帝;天呐;上帝的面子上

with all due respect [ ] [网络] 恕我直言;冒昧的说;我并不想冒犯

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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